

The last couple of weeks have been full as we packed up our home in Johannesburg and moved to Bethlehem.  We definitely had a few challenges, but also have been helped by people who have loved us well in both provinces.  We are still surrounded by boxes, but we are happily settling in.  

Yesterday, we had our final official Sunday with Breakthru Life church where we have ministered for most of the past 14 years.  They honored us and thanked us for how we have invested into the life of the church and the kingdom of God.  It was SO special.  

Farewells are hard.  Transitions are challenging…even good ones.  However, on Sunday, we were overwhelmed by how many people told us our lives had a profound impact on theirs.  We are “church parents” to the youth, the Conquer Series courses brought so many people freedom and gave them tools they need to walk in victory, they appreciated my flute on the worship team, Dan’s sermons were life changing, we introduced them to getting out of their comfort zone by taking them with us to Zambia or Swaziland, and more. One said, “I have been watching your lives and you taught me how to love and value others.”  Another said, “Thank you for checking in with me every week,  I think I would’ve been really isolated this year without you.” and “You showed me how to be a friend.”  One mom said, “You spoke into my son’s life at just the right time and now he is on fire for the Lord at University.” My favorite was “You are the blackest white people I know”.  I think this means that we love and value and fit in with Africans – a high compliment indeed!

This week we are unpacking a few more boxes and preparing for Adventure Youth Camp which starts this coming Saturday morning.  We have 10 or so of our students from Johannesburg who are attending camp in Bethlehem – it is going to be great!  If you would like to sponsor a student for camp – it is $60 per student for 5 days of camp.  There are a few needing scholarships and if you’d like to help, send us an email to let us know and write “Camp” on the memo/note with your gift.  

We don’t know exactly what our next ministry year will look like yet, but we look forward to praying and vision casting with our new team in the coming weeks and we promise to keep you posted.  I think if we have learned anything the past two years, it is to hold things loosely and be willing to be flexible!

We have been exceedingly blessed by the generosity of friends and family in the states to help us with moving expenses – God has been so good to us.  

As we finish 2021, we would love to invite you to invest financially into Magezi Ministries to help us continue to help people get free, to help marriages heal, and to disciple Africans so that they grow into their fullest identity in Christ.  We are thrilled to be able to live and minister here for such a time as this.  Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and financial support.

With joy,

Dan, Janell, Miesha and Titus

Also, if you are doing any Christmas shopping on Amazon, please sign up for Amazon Smile and choose “Magezi Ministries” as your charity of choice.

Thanks for supporting us!

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